The future of home entertainment is behind you

Once again the latest technology seems to hark back to the past. At the recent What Hi Fi? Sound and Vision Show the most impressive home entertainment demonstration was not the 103 inch plasma screen, but the Epson projector.

These new proper (1080) high definition projectors also go against conventional technology by using lcd panels inside rather than dlp. Admittedly, just under £3,000 is a lot to pay for a big screen view. However given that it can project an image up to nine metres wide, this is better value than the Panasonic ‘rival’ with 103 plasma inches at just under £40,000. And that is without even mentioning the necessary strengthened wall and increased electricity bills.

The future of technology is a wind-up

At the recent What Hi Fi? Sound and Vision Show I spent a great deal of time on the Baylis stand talking to the friendly team.

They were demonstrating the new Eco Media Player which is a wind-up (sorry couldn’t resist that one). To be brutally frank, this product doesn’t exude the sheer desirability of an iPod. However, it makes a good attempt at addressing it’s shortcomings by packing in an fm radion, a led torch, and phone re-charger in addition to its rivals’ mp3, video and photo players.

Its real unique selling point though is the handle that unfurls from the back of the player. They claim that just one minute of winding is sufficient to provide up to forty minutes of play. I have to say that the idea of watching the battery life drain out of my mp3 player knowing that all is required is a few spins of the charger is very appealing.

All we need now is the mobile phone with built in charging handle. I have lost count of the number of times mine has run out of power, usually at the worst possible time.


British Standard for a cup of tea – BS 6008

1018292_cup_of_teaI have been attending some of the workshops we provide at the Business & IP Centre. I think it is good to sample one’s own products from time to time. Rupert Lee’s workshop on Science & Technology Information for Business provided some unexpected information. For instance I didn’t know there was a British Standard for a cup of tea (BS 6008 to the cognoscenti). I suppose it is the logical result of something the British do best, tea and bureaucracy.

However, more usefully I did learn that standards are a useful source of business information which is often overlooked.

If you are really keen you can read all 11 pages of report from the British Standards Institution

1 Scope and field of application
This International Standard specifies a method for
the preparation of a liquor of tea for use in sensory
tests, by means of infusing the leaf.
2 Definitions
For the purpose of this International Standard, the
following definitions apply.
2.1 liquor
the solution prepared by extraction of soluble
substances from dried tea leaf, under the conditions
2.2 infused leaf
tea leaf from which liquor has been prepared
NOTE In the tea trade in the United Kingdom, the term
“infusion” is used with the meaning of 2.2, but, to avoid confusion
with the more general usage of this word, the expression “infused
leaf” has been used.
3 Reference
ISO 1839, Tea — Sampling.
4 Principle
Extraction of soluble substances in dried tea leaf,
contained in a porcelain or earthenware pot, by
means of freshly boiling water, pouring of the liquor
into a white porcelain or earthenware bowl,
examination of the organoleptic properties of the
infused leaf, and of the liquor with or without milk
or both.
5 Apparatus
5.1 Pot, of white porcelain or glazed earthenware,
with its edge partly serrated (see Figure) and
provided with a lid, the skirt of which fits loosely
inside the pot.
5.2 Bowl, of white porcelain or glazed earthenware.
NOTE Various sizes of pot and bowl can be used, but it is
recommended that one of the two sizes shown in the annex, and
depicted in the figure, be adopted.
6 Sampling
See ISO 1839.
7 Procedure
7.1 Test portion
Weigh, to an accuracy of ± 2 %, a mass of tea
corresponding to 2 g of tea per 100 ml of liquor
(i.e. 5,6 ± 0,1 g of tea for the large pot or 2,8 ± 0,05 g
for the small pot described in the Annex) and
transfer it to the pot (5.1).
7.2 Preparation of liquor
7.2.1 Preparation without milk

Fill the pot containing the tea with freshly boiling
water1) to within 4 to 6 mm of the brim
(i.e. corresponding approximately to 285 ml in the
case of the large pot and 140 ml in the case of the
small pot described in the Annex) and put on the lid.
Allow the tea to brew for 6 min, and then, holding
the lid in place so that the infused leaf is held back,
pour the liquid through the serrations into the
bowl (5.2) corresponding to the pot selected. Remove
and invert the lid, transfer the infused leaf to it and
place the inverted lid on the empty pot to allow the
infused leaf to be inspected. In the case of fine,
powdery dust grades, special care should be taken
and a sieve may be required.
7.2.2 Preparation with milk
Pour milk free from any off-flavour (for example raw
milk or unboiled pasteurized milk) into the
bowl (5.2), using approximately 5 ml for the large
bowl and 2,5 ml for the small bowl described in the
Prepare the liquor as described in 7.2.1 but pour it
into the bowl after the milk, in order to avoid
scalding the milk, unless this procedure is contrary
to the normal practice in the organization
If the milk is added afterwards, experience has
shown that the best results are obtained when the
temperature of the liquor is in the range 65 to 80 °C
when the milk is added.
While addition of milk is not essential, it sometimes
helps to accentuate differences in flavour and

The Boots Centre for Innovation wants your ideas

One of the most interesting speakers at The British International Innovation & Technology Conference and Exhibition was from the The Boots Centre for Innovation. It was good to hear that an organisation as large an bureaucratic as Boots is prepared to do something radical in order to foster innovation.
Boots centre for innovation
They recognised that getting new ideas from inside the company was not the most effective way to deliver new products to the market. So they teamed up with the Institute of Life Science at Swansea University, the Welsh Assembly and Longbow Capital to build a new centre based in Swansea ,investing £3 million of Boots money.

They can provide support and funding for the development of innovative products and technologies. But are particularly looking for new ideas for products in the following ten areas:

1 Improve and maintain the health, look and feel of skin
2 Improve the health and appearance of teeth and gums
3 Devices that enable people to monitor key aspects of their health
4 Improve the health, appearance and comfort of eyes
5 Improve digestive health, particularly issues related to stress, poor diet and obesity
6 Minimise the severity and duration of pain
7 Improve quality of sleep for everyone [including pregnant women, babies and the elderly]
8 Minimise the complications of living with diabetes
9 Anti-ageing products and devices for mind and body
10 Create more convenient methods of taking and using medicines and health products

Turn your water-tap into a fire-hose in under 10 seconds

This is the rather remarkable claim form Edward van Noord another of the exhibitors at The British International Innovation & Technology Conference and Exhibition. He has patented a way of attaching a very compact hose pipe to a normal household cold water tap. This is yet another case of what I would consider to be a really obvious solution to a problem which I’m sure many of you would already have thought about (I know I have).

Amazingly the particular solution Edward van Noord came up with hadn’t already been patented. Even more impressive is the way he has developed both the product and marketing all on his own. He had even paid for the stand at the show out of his own money.

The good news is that his perseverance (an essential component for any entrepreneur) is now being rewarded with sales increasing across Europe at a rapid rate.

The product is called 1-2-3 stop fire and you can see what you think of it below.


E.ON EnergyLab giving away £15,000 to inventors

E.On the electricity and gas company has joined forces with former Tomorrow’s World presenter Philippa Forrester to launch the E.ON EnergyLab nationwide talent search to find Britain’s next big innovations in energy efficiency.

The judging panel will be looking for clever creations that could revolutionise the future of energy and how it used.

The closing date is 30 November so you will have to get your skates on and apply at if you want to enter.

If you are in need of inspiration the site offers some suggestions for ‘generating’ ideas:

If you are finding it a challenge to get started, we’ve put together a simple approach that may help you generate some great ideas. Try using the following steps either on your own or with friends:
1. Define the problem

* So what problem do you want to solve?
* Is it in your home, school or office?
* Is it a problem that has been around for a long time?
* Generate a list of ‘problem’ topics

2. Creating ideas

* The idea here is to generate as many ideas as possible. Remember there are no ‘dumb ideas’ – they all count at this stage
* Set yourself a period of time to think – say 30 minutes
* Create a topic and stick to it (use your list of topics from step 1)
* Realise your ideas in words, pictures and anything that helps you describe your ideas – be creative!

3. Look at similar problems

* How have inventors approached similar problems in the past?
* If it’s a good idea it may have been done before – it’s worth checking before you enter
* How could existing inventions be improved?
* Are there parallel problems or solutions that you can draw inspiration from?

4. Start to define your solution / invention

* Try focusing of 2-3 ideas that you think have a chance of solving the problem you have set yourself
* Write down the pros and cons of each one
* Can you draw on ideas from previous inventions?

So now you are really inventing! You’ve picked your topic, generated ideas, narrowed these down to a short list and shortly you’ll have your preferred idea. Just keep asking questions of your invention and try and have an answer for everything.

Quirky gadgets and contraptions from 1851 to 1951

As well as being the main contact for Prime Thinkers Maurice Collins is also the man behind a collection of over 800 quirky gadgets and contraptions from 1851 to 1951. The collection contains some of the most eccentric labour saving devices, many from the Victorian era which is renowned for its Heath Robinson style excesses. Examples include a clockwork teas-made from 1902, a system for smoking 2 cigarettes simultaneously, a portable moustache protector for eating soup in polite company.

The collection does not currently have a permanent home but selections are available for hire, and I am hoping we can show off a few items in the Business & IP Centre soon, so watch this space.
Maurice has published two books featuring his collection:

Ingenious Gadgets


You can read more about them on


Spam lovely spam

Actually, I find the original edible version of spam as indigestible as the electronic kind, although I do love the Monty Python song that the term is derived from.

However, I am still surprised how many people still complain about how their lives are blighted by this curse of the Internet age, when there are solutions so readily to hand.

Although there are many products to choose from, I have been using Cloudmark Spamnet (now Desktop) for a couple of years now and consider myself a satisfied customer. I get about 50 spam messages a day on my home email account and with this software I have seen very few false negatives – or false positives for that matter.

What I like best about the product is that in addition to some very clever analytics it also relies on good old human brain power shared via the Internet. On the rare occasions a piece of shiny new rogue spam makes it through to your inbox, you tag it and the information goes back to a central database. Once an email gets enough tags it will be marked as spam for everyone else. The same works in reverse for non-spam such as e-mail newsletters which are often mistakenly identified as unwanted.

Even better all contributors are rated on how reliable their tagging is. This is a very effective way of stopping the spammers from hi-jacking the system by tagging their spam as clean.

If you don’t believe me, have a read of respected IT journalist Jon Honeyball’s article. “Since installing Cloudmark for Exchange Server a few months ago, my inbox has received 15,619 emails, of which 11,512 were killed off as spam. I can’t remember a good email being incorrectly marked as spam, and it has probably let a few dozen spams through into my inbox by mistake.”

Needles to say these services come with a cost, but for me it at around £20 a year at current exchange rates it is money well spent.

I apologise if this sounds like an advert, but I don’t think enough people are aware how easily they can remove this unpleasantness from their lives.

Technology has come a long way… or has it?

Watching a recent Scoble Show podcast it struck me just how far technology has developed over the years. The picture below shows an early hard disk drive which could store 48 megabytes of data. Nowadays you can buy a 1 terabyte (1,000 gigabytes) hard drive for your PC for under £200.



However when it comes to software and computer interaction how far have we progressed. The most common interaction with my computer consists of ctrl c, v, s and p. All commands that I learnt 30 years ago in an early version of WordStar.

I also remember when Windows 1995 first came out and a news story on the BBC where they asked the public what they thought of the shiny new interface. The most common question was ‘how do you turn it off?’ Everyone could see the start button in the bottom left handside of the screen, but there was no equivalent stop button. This unintuitive arrangement has lasted right the way through to today with Vista.

A thumb drive by any other name would…

Since introducing selected downloading from selected databases from the Business & IP Centre we have been faced with the dilema of what to call those those little portable storage gizmo’s.

Below are just some of the names I have heard bandied about:
USB flash drive
USB drive
Keychain drive
Memory key
Memory stick
Jump drive
Key drive
Flash drive
Pen drive

One way to solve this problem would be to adopt the term widely used in the U.S.A…. thumb drive. As you can see below, by using this name it is possible to generate a strong visual reminder which might reduce the amount of confusion.
