I have noticed a recent boom in the number of networking sites for business start-ups and entrepreneurs. Something to do with the development of Web 2.0 technologies and the popularity of Facebook I’m sure.
I recently joined Company Partners which offers free registration with the option to upgrade to full membership from £14.95 a month.
I did a quick search today and found lots of potentially useful contacts already registered on the service.
About Company Partners
Entrepreneurs could you do better with a like-minded business partner? You will find that growing a business, getting great business ideas and having the confidence and skills to drive it forward is easier. Together you are able to motivate, brainstorm, plan and just generally get the whole process going quicker and with more chance of success.
Or are you are looking for Business Angel funding and have a great opportunity? Post your business summary on the site and let Business Angels find you.
Are you a Business Angel looking for interesting investments? You can have free access to all the business summaries, get unlimited contact and even our own Automatch service that will automatically notify you if a suitable investment comes along.
Mentors or Non-Executive Directors – as experienced business people, have you the time & skills to assist young companies? Put something back, get satisfaction from helping a growing business, maybe even equity shares.