Last Wednesday Striding Out organised the launch of KEEN, a student enterprise club supported by Knowledge East, a higher education partnership for undergraduate and postgraduate students and academics from eight East London universities
The evening consisted of short presentations from:
- Sam Conniff from Livity a socially-responsible youth marketing agency.
- Zoe Stanton from Us Creates who design effective, progressive and individual initiatives for societal issues within the UK.
- Jordan Kensington, from the Invincible Media Group, founder of the Urban Music Awards and promoter of British Music Week.
- Henry Warren from Gemin-i, who specialise in developing innovative web-based solutions to empower, educating and inspiring people across the world.
The speaker who made the greatest impression on me was Jordan Kensington, the very confident (some might say brash) founder of Invincible Media. He is convinced that all an entrepreneur needs is a very clear view of their future. He explained that he started his business with no money, but he had a film running in his head of the future of his business. His belief in this image was so strong that everything else just fell into place. This approach is overlapping somewhat into NLP territory, but it obviously worked for Jordan as his business empire has grown rapidly. He even had the gall to succesfully export his Urban Music Awards from the UK to the USA.
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