Entrepreneurship includes all classes, creeds and ages but one of the biggest growth areas are what have been dubbed ‘Grey entrepreneurs‘.
One might naively assume that these would consist of retired business professionals. But a group of Swiss grannies would prove you wrong according to the latest issue of Springwise.
Netgranny is a collective of 15 grannies who knit socks on demand and sell them online. Customers can choose their favourite granny from a gallery of ‘Grosis’, which includes information on why the women knit (‘not for money, just to pass the time’) or about their professional credentials (‘at age 6, I taught my 4 year-old sister to knit’).
Customers can pick the colour of their socks, or opt for a surprise design. After placing an order, their personal sock-knitting granny will take approximately two weeks to knit the pair of socks.
As you can see below, the grannies vary from the funky, to the cuddly, to the slightly scary.